Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (2024)

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (1)

Bill Baue

Senior Director, r3.0

As humanity walks the knife’s edge separating adverse tipping points of collapse and beneficial tipping points of redemption and regeneration, we at r3.0 continue our tradition of curating our Conference with bleeding edge concepts, thinkers, and practitioners to steward our community in deepening our collective ‘caring capacities’ and collapse resilience.

As an internationally recognized expert on Sustainability Context (Thresholds & Allocations), Thriveability, and Online Stakeholder Engagement, Bill Baue catalyzes systemic transformation. As a serial social entrepreneur, he has co-founded and instigated several enterprises: r3.0, Science Based Targets, Sustainability Context Group, Sea Change Radio, and Currnt.Baue has worked with prominent organizations across the sustainability ecosystem, including Audubon, Cabot Creamery Coop, Ceres, GE, Harvard, several United Nations agencies (UNCTAD, UNEP, UNGC, UNRISD, etc…), Walmart, and Worldwatch Institute.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (2)

Jem Bendell

Book Author “Breaking Together“

For years professionals in the sustainability field privately expressed our lack of belief in achieving a managed transition to a sustainable economy. But any time we wrote or spoke in public, we claimed otherwise. We told ourselves that was the responsible thing to do. But I think we were lying. To ourselves, each other and the public. I have noticed a major change in the past year. Persistent disruption and decline, alongside political fractures and the climate data going off the charts, have shorn professionals of past excuses. It’s now time to face a tough reality publicly together.

Jem Bendell is an emeritus professor with the University of Cumbria and the co-Founder of the International Scholars’ Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse. He worked for over 20 years in corporate sustainability, helping launch or develop many international initiatives. That led to his recognition as a Young Global Leader.His 2018 paper “Deep Adaptationwas downloaded over a million times and is widely credited with helping inspire the growth of the Extinction Rebellion movement. That marked a departure, whereby he concluded the field of sustainability had failed. His new book “Breaking Together”goes further by outlining a collapse-based political framework.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (3)

Avit Bhowmik

Assistant Professor of Risk and Environmental Studies, Karlstad University

We have to create the enabling conditions and agency for positive tipping points if we are to escape the negative tipping points and systemic collapse. Global Tipping Points report released at COP28 outlined policy recommendations for creating those enabling conditions and agency. I am looking forward to sharing these insights at this year’s r3.0 conference to trigger action at the scale that matters.

Dr. Avit Bhowmik is an internationally recognised environmental scientist and climate solutionist. For the last 8 years, Avit has advanced research on rapid climate action and positive social tipping points. He contributed to the conceptual development of positive social tipping points as well as to identifying the scales to maximise the benefit of those tipping interventions. Avit has published several scientific articles in highly ranked international peer-reviewed journals including in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). He played a key role in shaping several reports and policy documents released in the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP), Global Climate Action Summits and United Nations High Level Political Forums outlining pathways to exponentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and abruptly transform societies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Avit advises municipalities, bioregions and national and international scale industries and NGOs about strategising climate action and sustainability transformation plan. Avit is an author of “1.5°C Business Playbook”.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (4)

Sahana Chattopadhyay

Founder, Proteeti Consulting

A Pluriverse is ‘a world where many worlds fit’. It is a vision and imaginary of radical power. However, it is not an esoteric concept. Our world is pluriversal. It is wondrously entangled, abundantly diverse, and indelibly interconnected. The vision of a pluriverse, therefore, recalls and reinstates the very truth of our existence. It is predicated on Relationality, Decoloniality, and Nonduality. And therefore presents alternative visions for emerging possible futures. A regenerative world can only be pluriversal.

Sahana Chattopadhyay is the Founder of a boutique consulting firm Proteeti, a Sanskrit word meaning “wisdom that transforms”. She is a certified Coach, Facilitator, Learning Design Architect, and an Organization Development and Change professional. She spent more than two decades in multi-national corporations. As a regeneration catalyst, coach, and facilitator, she currently partners with organisations to guide them on their transformation journeys. She works at the intersection of human potential, narratives and meaning making, systems sensing, technology, and sensemaking. As the economic monomyth of infinite growth collapses, it is critical for organisations to prepare for emerging futures that will essentially be beyond-growth, post-hegemonic, and life-affirming. Those organisations that are futures ready will become the Wayfinders–‘islands of sanity’ and ‘imaginal cells’ of the future. However, this will require dedicated building of capacities, becoming containers for the development of facilitative leadership, and designing infrastructures of imagination. Sahana specializes in designing and co-creating such Transformative Learning Pathways that foster such Emergent Learning (EL) in uncertain, chaotic times. She uses her EL model to facilitate the journey of transformation, to build the capacities necessary to step into emerging futures, and to enable organizations to be regenerative.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (5)

Fatima Denton

Co-Chair, Earth Commission; Director, United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa; Vice-Chair, IPCC Working Group II

Allocating responsibility for respecting ecological and social thresholds requires taking a Just Transition approach.

The primary focus of Dr. Denton’s research is to understand disparities in power dynamics within the context of climate change and sustainable development, with the primary objective of establishing forums that facilitate discourse on the concept of justice. Her objective is to democratise the dialogue and amplify the voices of those on the frontlines of climate-related consequences – those who are frequently marginalised and ignored without agency or representation. She intends to examine the relationship between their transitional experiences and the larger societal and economic transition. In addition, Dr. Denton strives to foster dialogues that transcend boundaries, with a focus on our collective humanity and the common evolution we must pursue towards a post-carbon economy.

Dr Denton is the director of the United Nations University’s Institute of Natural Resources in Africa, based in Accra, Ghana.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (6)

Mahlet Getachew

Managing Director, Corporate Racial Equity, PolicyLink

The practice of thresholds & allocations is still expanding into new domains — I look forward to sharing how we at the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance are applying this Context to racial and economic inequity, among other dimensions.

Mahlet Getachew, Managing Director of Corporate Racial Equity, works to ignite new norms in corporate America that value people and our planet just as much as the bottom line, leading a portfolio of strategic initiatives, including co-founding the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance with FSG and JUST Capital and leading a multi-year effort to develop corporate performance standards advancing equity, inclusion, and the best of socially responsible business. As a former corporate lawyer, she comes to PolicyLink with extensive experience advising public and private corporations across various industries as external legal counsel and in-house counsel. Prior to joining PolicyLink, Mahlet was General Counsel, Head of HR and Business Operations at Suki AI, Inc., and previous to that, she was Associate General Counsel & Assistant Secretary at GoPro, Inc. Mahlet started her career as a corporate attorney at an international law firm, where she represented large and small tech companies on a broad range of corporate and commercial matters in the software, internet, renewable energy, media, education, and semiconductor industries. She also serves on the B Lab Global Board and is a member of the B Lab Standards Advisory Council. She holds a B.A. in East Asian Studies from Lewis & Clark College and received her J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (7)

Jayati Ghosh

Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

Current economic systems — and the hegemonic cultures from which they emerge — are destroying our planet and treating huge numbers of people as expendable. Humanity can and must ensure just transitions to life-affirming economies underpinned by cultures of respect for all life.

Jayati Ghosh taught economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi for nearly 35 years, and since January 2021 she has been Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. She has authored and/or edited 20 books and more than 200 scholarly articles. Recent books include “The making of a catastrophe: Covid-19 and the Indian economy,” Aleph Books forthcoming 2022; “When governments fail: Covid-19 and the economy,” Tulika Books and Columbia University Press 2021 (co-edited); “Women workers in the informal economy,” Routledge 2021 (edited); “Never Done and Poorly Paid: Women’s Work in Globalising India,” Women Unlimited, New Delhi 2009; co-edited “Elgar Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development, 2014; co-edited “After Crisis,” Tulika 2009; co-authored “Demonetisation Decoded,” Routledge 2017. She has received several prizes, including the 2015 Adisheshaiah Award for distinguished contributions to the social sciences in India; the International Labour Organisation’s Decent Work Research Prize for 2011; and the NordSud Prize for Social Sciences 2010, Italy. She has advised governments in India and other countries, including as Chairperson of the Andhra Pradesh Commission on Farmers’ Welfare in 2004, and Member of the National Knowledge Commission of India (2005-09). She was the Executive Secretary of International Development Economics Associates (www.networkideas.org), an international network of heterodox development economists, from 2002 to 2021. In 2023, she was awarded the John Kenneth Galbraith award by the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, “in recognition of breakthrough discoveries in economics and outstanding contributions to humanity through leadership, research and service.” She has consulted for international organizations including ILO, UNDP, UNCTAD, UN-DESA, UNRISD and UN Women and is member of several international boards and commissions, including the UN High-Level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs, the Commission on Global Economic Transformation of INET, the International Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT). In 2021 she was appointed to the WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All, chaired by Mariana Mazzucato. In March 2022, she was appointed to the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, mandated to provide a vision for international cooperation to deal with current and future challenges. She also writes regularly for popular media, including newspapers, journals and blogs.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (8)

Gaya Herrington

Vice President Sustainability Reserach at Schneider Electric

We’d want to change our economicsystem away from the growth-imperative even if we were not facing ecosystem collapse, because a society centred around the concept of “enough for each”, rather than “never-enough”, fits much better who we want to be and the world we long to live in.

Gaya Herrington is Vice President Sustainability Research at Schneider Electric (voted most sustainable corporation in the world in 2021). She studies how environmental, social, behavioral and economic trends interact and what systems changes are needed for achieving true global sustainability. Previous positions include sustainability consulting at KPMG and policy advisor to the Dutch government on economic and financial issues. She published an article about the first systems model of the world in Yale’s Journal of Industrial Ecology, as well as a book with MDPI publishing. Gaya has given keynote speeches and guest lectures around the world on fora like the United Nations, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and many universities including UCLA, the Victoria University of Wellington, Cambridge, and Berkeley. She is also an Advisor to the Club of Rome, an international 100-member club of scientists, economists, and other thinkers. Gaya has a Master’s degree in Econometrics from the Liberal Amsterdam University and another Master’s in Sustainability from Harvard University.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (9)

Katharina Herzog

Co-Founder & CEO, money:care GmbH

We at money:care immediately understood the logic of how Context-Based Sustainability transcends the limitations of incrementalism, so I’m excited to share how we apply thethresholds-based UN Sustainable Development Performance Indicators to shed light on companies’ sustainability performance.

Katharina is Co-Founder and CEO of money:care. An innovative fintech company from Vienna specializing in automating the collection of sustainability data through their advanced AI assistant and empowering financial platforms with sustainability data solutions. However, their vision extends far beyondmere data automation. Katharina and her team have developed a user-friendly data platform that provides accessible and transparent information about companies’sustainability performance to retail investors – using the UN Sustainable Development Performance Indicators to assess it. On thisplatform, retail investors can easily identify companies that align with their ownvalues and respect social standards and planetary boundaries.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (10)

Emily Kawano

Co-coordinator of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network / Co-director of Wellspring Cooperative

We are in the midst of an historic moment where multiple crises–climate change; economic fragility; rising inequality, precarity, and social polarization; and a slide towards fascism–are convergent. These are certainly scary times, but crises, by undermining faith in the status quo, also creates conditions for radical change. I look forward to talking about system change, why it’s time to move beyond capitalism and toward a solidarity economy, a global movement to build an economy and world that centers the well being of people and planet. It is grounded in real world practices that align with values of solidarity, equity in all dimensions, participatory democracy, sustainability and pluralism (many paths to achieve our vision).

Emily cut her activist teeth in the Seabrook anti-nuke movement, where she learned that consensus based decision-making does not mix well with the fast pace of an occupation attempt, especially when one’s affinity group is positioned in the marshes and the incoming tide is about to cut off retreat. Having survived that, she has been involved in social and economic justice issues ever since. Emily received a degree in human ecology from the College of the Atlantic and a Ph.D in economics from UMass, Amherst. She is a founder and co-coordinator the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network and served on the board of RIPESS (the Intercontinental Solidarity Economy Network) for nine years. She is the co-founder and co-director of Wellspring Cooperative, a nonprofit that is building solidarity economy initiatives and a worker co-op network in the greater Springfield, MA area. In previous incarnations, she taught economics at Smith College, worked as the National Economic Justice Rep. for the American Friends Service Committee and was the director of the Center for Popular Economics, a collective of radical economists working to demystify the economy.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (11)

Jennifer Dhyana Nucci

Founder/ Owner, Breath of Being

Rejuvenating movement, kindness in conversation with our bodies, gently stirring up body qi in order to consciously unravel each of our unique accumulated tension tendencies. To then realign and reinvigorate the equanimity of mind: mind that is the whole sensing body and brain. Turning our field of embodied perception into a wisdom field of discernment, patience, and pure attention. Such action choices of body care tip us from anxiety toward groundedness, from despair toward perseverance, from overwhelm toward creative engagement. All in the sweet simple present moment, of a breath. Each deep breath for navigating difficult times, basic humanness, and the generating of peace and love for this world that we share. Please join me for 10-15min of self care in gentle movement that calmly opens, releases, and recenters.

Jennifer has been teaching yoga and meditation for over 25 years. She’s trained in Hatha, Prana, and Taoist Yoga, as has taught all ages and all levels of practice. She’s a massage therapist and is trained in Herbalism-both Chinese and Western- Non-Violent Communication, trauma recovery, emotional release therapy, and Ayurvedic health.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (12)

Karen O’Brien

Professor, Department of Sociology & Human Geography, University of Oslo

As humanity teeters on the cusp of triggering catastrophic ecological and social tipping points, we can respond individually and collectively via fractal agency — empowerment at multiple scales — to avert or mute the worst effects of collapsing systems.

Karen O’Brien isan internationally recognized expert on the human and social dimensions of global environmental change, and her research focuses on themes related to climate change impacts, vulnerability, andadaptation.She is interested in how transdisciplinary and integral approaches to global change research can contribute to a better understanding of how societies both create and respond to change, and particularly the role of beliefs, values and worldview in transformations to sustainability. She is committed to understanding and engaging with equitable transformations to a thriving world. She promotes integrative approaches to sustainability that recognize how beliefs, values, worldviews, and paradigms influence systems change and social change. Karen is currently focusing on how to scale transformative change, and exploring the potential for quantum social change in theory and practice.

Karen’s recent books include You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World and Climate and Society: Transforming the Future (with Robin Leichenko). She is a co-chair of the International Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) transformative change assessment. In 2021 she was co-recipient of the BBVA Foundation’s Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Climate Change. She is passionate about what potential there is inquantum social theory and the implications for climate change responses.She has earlier been involved in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Global Change Programmes and the transition to Future Earth,a 10-year global change research initiative. She is the co-founder of cCHANGE, an Oslo-based organization that engages individuals and organizations with transformations to sustainability.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (13)

Chidi Oti Obihara

Senior Fellow, Climate Finance, Project Drawdown; Technical Advisory Group Member, Science Based Targets initiative

I look forward to sharing my experiences of social norm transformations at the individual and collective levels, as one avenue of contending with the adverse tipping points threatening our ecological and social systems.

Chidi is a sitting member of the Bank of England citizens advice panel and former finance Co Ordinator of the green party of England and Wales (2018)

Now apolitical… Chidi continues to work at the forefront of climate finance policy… For example… as lead author and cofounder of the 4 persons team that wrote COP26 Climate Action Plan….

In 2023 Chidi successfully completed a year at Projectdrawdown.org as Senior.Research.Fellow … focused on green finance.

He was then appointed as expert advisor at SBTi. As one of the Subject area experts at SBTi … his portfolio is wholesale fixed income and banking.

(He is also an advisor to Stop Ecocide International and climate finance envoy to Vanuatu)

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (14)

Belén Páez

President, Fundación Pachamama; General Secretary, Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative

As afirm believer in the miracle of the regeneration of natural systems, decarbonized economies, and the rebellion of social movements, I look forward to sharing the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Bioregional Plan to illustrate the transformative power of bioregioning.

Belén Páez is an Ecuadorian ecologist devoted to environmental protection and indigenous rights advocacy. She is Vice President of The Pachamama Alliance and President of Fundación Pachamama, where she also coordinates the Climate Finance and Biodiversity Program. A specialist in climate change, the Amazon, and indigenous peoples’ rights, she is also General Secretary of the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance, which aims to protect 35 million hectares in collaboration with Amazonian indigenous federations. For 25 years, Páez has led the implementation of programs based on bioeconomy, ecotourism, renewable energies, conservation of fragile ecosystems, and legal actions in defense of collective rights and the rights of nature. She is a board member of Protection International and the National Environmental Fund of Ecuador, and an active member of the Science Panel for the Amazon. In 2021, she was recognized as one of the 100 most influential Latinos for her commitment to climate activism.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (15)

Ting Pan

Manager of Sustainability, City of Nanaimo

The City of Nanaimo made a clear and ambitious goal of living within environmental limits while providing social foundations for all. We are the first municipality I’m aware of to create a strategy for monitoring our carrying capacity with comprehensive context-based sustainability indicators.

Ting is the Manager of Sustainability for the City of Nanaimo, one of the fastest growing municipalities in Canada. She advances environmental sustainability and climate action through innovation and collaboration across the organization and with the wider community. Her professional experience ranges from green building consulting, renewable energy and climate policy development, change management to public engagement.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (16)

Samantha Power

Regenerative Economist, Futurist, and Bioregionalist

Founder and Director, BioFi Project; Founder and Principal Consultant Finance for Gaia

The BioFi Project is building institutions for the bioregional movement and I look forward to sharing about how we might co-create Bioregional Financing Facilities (BFFs) together in every bioregion on Earth. BFFs can help us return to seeing ourselves as an integral part of the living, breathing Earth and our economic actions and underlying perceptions of value as steps toward or away from a regenerative future.

Samantha Power is the Founder and Director of the forthcoming BioFi Project and the Founder and Principal Consultant of Finance for Gaia. She is a Regenerative Economist, Futurist, and Bioregionalist based in Oakland, CA on the ancestral land of the Ohlone people.Samantha has harnessed her experience working at the World Bank and in the financial sector — advising finance ministries, central banks, and investors — and is now telling a story about the need to build a new layer in the global financial architecture that decentralizes financial decision making and puts resources in the hands of people living in relationship to place. Samantha and her colleagues will soon publish a white paper on Bioregional Financing Facilities (BFFs) and launch the BioFi Project — a collective of experts supporting bioregions around the world to design, build, and implement BFFs. The paper makes the case for and explains how to shift capital to place-based regenerators in order toachieve global climate and nature-related goals.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (17)

Alison Shaw

Executive Director, SFU Climate Innovation | ACT –Action on Climate Team, Simon Fraser University

At Simon Fraser University’s Action on Climate Team,we’ve had success in linking integrated climate action — adaptation (risk reduction) and mitigation (emissions reduction) to other, diverse municipal goals. In some cases, this has lead totransformative impacts.I look forward to sharing ACT’s low carbon resilience approach and successes in this forum.

Alison Shaw is a scientist and practitioner with more than 20 years’ experience in pioneering climate change and sustainability research-to-practice approaches. As Executive Director of ACT (Action on Climate Team) at Simon Fraser University, Canada, Dr. Shaw advances low carbon resilience approaches and nature-based solutions to ensure that “climate action that multi-solves” is mainstreamed into policy, planning, strategy, and operational decisions in both public and private sectors. She and the ACT team co-create with forward-thinking partners to innovate, test, and evaluate practical and effective approaches that build toward climate resilience; promote decarbonization; and advance other social, environmental, and economic goals, such as equity, biodiversity, and clean economic development. Dr. Shaw earned a PhD in sustainability from the University of British Columbia.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (18)

Ralph Thurm

Managing Director, r3.0

Having accepted economic system collapse as a reality, the question about what’s next is evident. At r3.0 we are shifting to post-collapse readiness and more place-based approaches to bioregional regeneration and thriving. While we keep the door open for the corporate world, NGOs and governments, we also see how strongly they are still bought into the idea to avoid collapse or look for incremental solutions to keep the current system alive. Luckily, we are seeing tipping points on the recognition for negative and social tipping points coming up more and more, and this conference once again will be at the forefront of documenting these necessary developments.

Ralph Thurm is a leading professional in sustainable & regenerative innovation and strategy, operational sustainability and management, sustainability reporting, transformation and ThriveAbility. With more than 35 years of experience having worked for major corporates, industry federations, governments, NGOs and in advisory services globally, Ralph adds value as an advisor, trainer, facilitator, moderator and writer on a huge variety of sustainability topics. He is the Founder & Managing Director of A|HEAD|ahead, a management advisory focused on sustainable transformation and strategic positioning.

Ralph wrote blogs at www.aheadahead.wordpress.com, a very personal logbook on sustainable change, and has started ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’ Newsletter on Linkedin in April 2021 and ‘A Sunday Thought’ in 2022. He published ‘The Corona Chronicles – Envisioning a New Normal for Regeneration and Thriving’ in May 2021.

In 2012 Ralph co-founded Reporting 3.0, a non-profit that instigates change towards a decision-useful new reporting impetus for a green, inclusive & open economy. In 2019 this platform changed its name to just r3.0 for redesign, resilience and regeneration, to reflect the much broader and systemic work ecosystem approach for transformation. He was also appointed as the first Managing Director of OnCommons gGmbH, the not-for profit legal home of r3.0. r3.0 often blogs on Medium and communicates via Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. The r3.0 knowledge commons is available at www.r3-0.org.

Earlier, Ralph accepted roles as Director Engagement at GISR (2014-2017) and as senior advisor and Board member at various organizations and networks. Ralph was a co-founder of the ThriveAbility Foundation (2013 – 2016) and co-authored ‘A Leader’s Guide to ThriveAbility’. Before that he was the Head of the Sustainability Strategy Council at Siemens, CFO/COO of GRI and Director Sustainability and Innovation at Deloitte.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (19)

Mathis Wackernagel

Founder, Global Footprint Network

Persistent global overshoot, for over a half century, is both devastating and enlivening news — while the former is obvious, the latter is counterintuitive: our predicament makes the future much more predictable, one of climate change and resource constraints. Therefore, there is a strong self-interest for companies, investors, cities, bioregions, nations, and others to respond and prepare themselves rather than waiting for others. And, those preparations that also serve others are the most likely to succeed.

Dr. Mathis Wackernagel created the footprint concept in the early 1990s, with his Ph.D. advisor Prof. William E. Rees, to compare human demand against planetary or regional ecosystem regeneration. This tool allows researchers to track global overshoot and countries’ ecological deficit. The carbon footprint portion has become the most popular footprint variant.

In 2003, he founded Global Footprint Network, a sustainability think-tank, making planetary constraints relevant to decision-making. Its largest engagement campaign is its annual Earth Overshoot Day. Mathis’s main interest is how to turn overshoot into a magnet that motivates, rather than an “inconvenient truth” that triggers resistance. While Mathis is mostly interested in engaging with what is afore, he can also bicycle backwards.

Mathis’s honors include the 2018 World Sustainability Award, the 2015 IAIA Global Environment Award, and the 2012 Blue Planet Prize, the 2011 Zayed International Prize for the Environment, honorary doctorates, and a Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship.

Speaker | r3.0 Conference 2024 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.