4 THE MORNING HERAT HAGERSTOWN, MD. 3i, Cheaters Belgrade's market inspection force provides sivift justice for consumers BELGRADE (UPI) Three Belgrade businessmen had Just finished dinner at the fashionable Topcider Nights restaurant. Then came the bill--three times the normal price, Within minutes a city emergency inspection team was on the scene, rectified the bill, and slapped a fine on the restaurant's manager. This kind of swift retribution is typical of Hie Yugoslav capital's 80-man market inspection force complete with squadcars, a 2-1-hour-a-day switchboard, and the power to Denials issued by Hussein Impose on-the-spot fines or issue court subpoenas. "We average about 50 to 60 calls a day, on everything from sanitary conditions in a kennel to the way a baker slices his bread," said Jovon Mileusic, Belgrade's chief market inspector.
Milcusic's staff Is not a police force, and can make no arrests. But they can fine violators of market standards up to 100 dinars on the spot, or order a court appearance where the offender faces fines up to 2,000 dinars "Just call 27-000 It there's any qtiestion--otir number is posted on the wall of nearly every restaurant in town," Mileusic said. Belgrade's market inspection force is not unique to the Yugoslav capital. By federal law, similar forces operate in densely populated areas all over Yugoslavia--an inspection network even American consumer champion Halpji Nader could envy. "In capitalist countries, it's up to the individual merchant to regulate the quality of his merchandise and services.
But here in Yugoslavia, where stores restaurant! socially owned, uniform standards are in the social intertstjf Mileusic said. Those standards can be exacting. "If man a glass of brandy, he gets 0.5 deciliters (.09 bf brandy. Otherwise he can call us," Mileusic said. A piece of ccvapcici--Yugoslavia's version of the hoi dog-- must weigh 100 grams (3.5 In a restaurant, a menu must be placed on every second table.
A restaurant can even be fined for having bad musicians. Jordan reportedly ready to make peace with Israel By United Press International Two Arab news agencies said Wednesday a will officially announce readiness to conclude a separate peace with Israel before the fiui of the year despite i Hussein's recent denials of any such unilateral plans. The reports were distributed in Beirut by the auli-lliissein official Iraqi News Agency the Palestine news agency WAFA, which speaks fur the radical Palestinian guerrilla leaders. The reports coincided with the a i a in Cairo of Egypt's top diplomat in Washington. Ahmed Tcwfik Khnlil, for consultations with Egyptian government leaders on recent developments in the Middle East.
Political sources said Khalil would discuss President A a Sadat's onslcr of Soviet military advisers and whether Ibis move coukl lead to a breakthrough in the search for nil over-all pence settlement between Arabs and Israelis. The sources noted a Yehia Abclcl Kadcr, Egypt's ambassador to Moscow, also had been recalled to Cairo for consultations. In London. i a i correspondent K. Thaler reported i a i a i i lh.il the United Slates may i i a arms to Israel once existing; ronlracls are fulfilled if the Soviet IFninn docs not resume the flow of weapons lo Errvpl.
Tims a neither of the has publicly conceded (he possibility of an a embargo--either lotal or partial against the Middle Kast nations. Rut diplomatic sources noted a an end to the a race would reduce the dangers of another i East war. Since (be near-break between Moscow and Cairo, is reported to have i i i contacts with West European nations, a i a Great Brit a i The British government Wednesday offered Ecvpf a $50 million loan to a i i a trade. The credil i.s to run for a four- year period and was seen i British diplomatic quarters as a gesture to encourage Cairo's shift away from dependence on the Soviet Union and closer cooperation with the West. i a i has guardedly signified i i lo study requests from Cairo and to consider them "sympalhclieal ly." Hut British government sources stressed each arms rcrnics would be studied on its merit to prevent the possibility upsetting the a balance i the Middle Kast.
The Arab news age.nc.ic. riuoled A Ahou Odeh Jordanian minister of cnlturi and i a i as telling recent meeting of top aides tha "peace Was the only waj whereby Jordan can recovei the occupied West Hank." They said Odeh "voiced hi: hope that Jordan would an nouuce its readiness to conclud' peace within the thrci months." King Hussein, in a rccen interview with the Ticiru newspaper An Naliar. ruled ou the possibility of a scparati peace between Jordan an Israel. Fire damages cathedral but art treasures saved WHILE AWAY AT SCHOOL OR COLLEGE, THEY WILL ENJOY READING THE HOMETOWN NEWS IN HERALD Mail, Keep your away-from-home students in on what's going on back home. You can do if easily and quickly by calling The Herald-Mail Circulation Department (733-5131) and entering his or her subscription of The Morning Herald or The Daily Mail to be sent directly to school every day of ihe week.
CALL OUR CIRCULATION DEPT. AT 733-5131 OR USE THIS ORDER FORM HERALD-MAIL CO. 25 Summit Avenue, Hagerstown, Mcf. 21740 PLEASE SEND The Morning Herald The Daily Mail i TO: i Name Address 'City State 1 ENCLOSED FIND FOR Zip MONTHS I I Belgium (UP11 Tlic valiant efforts of sriidcnt.s anil soldiers saved Hie irreplaceable art treasures of Utlii-ccnlitry SI. Romliouts a a i a four-hour fire, church aulhori- lies said Wednesday.
But damage lo the liiiiltlint! itself was estimated at more than $1 million. Two hundred firemen Mcehelen, Hmssels and AiU- verp the blaze under control cavly Wednesday. By hen (tic smouldering beams of he a a root had given vny and collapsed onto the a ceilings. "Rut a to Ihe youth ot Mcchelcn and soldiers from nearby barracks the art treasures were saved," said Msgr. Paul Thecuws, vicar-Heneral of tho Archdiocese of Mcchclcn- Brusscls.
Many of the youths were ot the nearby Academy of Fine Arls. We don't know exactly when the fire started. But around 3 p.m. tlie a a was given and soon we had students and former students of our academy assembled aroimcl the cathedral and they a a i the paintings and wooden sculptures out of rhc church, said Academy Director Gcert Reuscns. Soldiers and other youths joined theiii and helped trans- the pieces of art to the aciidcmy, the archbishop's pal- uce and other nearby Catholic insritutions.
"It is a real wonder that thing was burned or destroyed," Hcusens said. "Some damage was doue to a few paintings on wood, when the frames came loose, but it is nothing serious, Theetiws said. "We can even masterpiece," Chrisl Cross, by Anloon Van in a perfect state." that the on the Dyck is It's either Black Velvet nothing. The smooth Canadian. WHISKY.
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